Wake To Dream

Sleep seems to be the most agreed upon treasure. The tranquility in Picasso’s Le Repose is the medium of dreams. To rest peacefully like his beloved Marie-Thérèse Walter seems unattainable with the demands of work and life permeating the psyche. Our yearning for just one extra hour of sleep may be appeased for a final time this Autumn due to the Sunshine Protection Act. The shorter days may be anxiety-inducing, but gaining an hour of sleep is not a prescription for emotional imbalances. Ayurveda established that our innate energy (dosha) guides our schedules and developed methods to address mood health on a personalized level.

With cooler seasons come the propensity for emotional disruptions like anxiety and depression. Less time to complete our daily tasks provokes anxiety in ungrounded Vata-prone people. Not getting enough sleep can increase irritability in Pitta-types. On the other hand, those who are Kapha-prone may experience melancholy from taking advantage of the extra hour.

When it gets dark early, capitalizing on the Vitamin D-providing sun earliest in the day supports healthier moods. Waking up at or before sunrise can balance energies that are thrown off by hectic time schedules. Anywhere from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours before the sun rises are suggested times to get the day started. Generally, Kapha types need to awake the earliest due to their propensity for lethargy, and anxiety-prone Vata can rise later. Easily irritable Pitta benefits from getting their day started around an hour prior to sun up.

Waking up with the sun or before it can support more restful sleep and a more energetic day. (Image: AKJAM Publishing)

Circadian rhythms are timed to sunrise and sundown by an area in the hypothalamus that controls cortisol. Upon waking in the morning, the level of cortisol is at its highest in order to physiologically prepare us for the day ahead. Sleeping in, even on a cloudy day, disrupts the sleep-wake cycle and thus the hormonal system. This in turn promotes inflammatory, depressive and other diseases.

Waking up in the dark to await the sun may sound counterintuitive, but light activities during this time help to ease into sunrise and the rest of the day. Vigorous massage, alternate-nostril pranayama (breathing), and a quiet lotus pose help Kapha, Vata, and Pitta, respectively. To foster the ability to wake up early, it is equally beneficial to go to sleep before the mind starts racing and late-night snacking arises. Generally, 10p is an ideal sleep time, but can be stretched to 11p. During sleep, neurons, their connections, and the digestive tract need to rest and process unused biochemicals prior to accumulation.

Bottom Line:

Waking up early is challenging to scores of people and nobody is expected to be chipper at this time of the day. But being well-rested should not be a dream. Time and practice are needed before any new routine can be efficiently adapted. Life is an experiment, so try this in increments. Start by waking up 5-30 minutes before the sun for 21 days to see how it works. Make any needed adjustments and continue to try it for up to 3 months. It may become a healthy habit.

Daylight Savings Time ends November 6, 2022.

Daylight Savings Time begins March 12, 2023.


*The information presented is not a substitute for medical guidance. Please speak with your doctor prior to making decisions about your health.