Core Lab $tyle: Dosha Dressing for the $cientists

The $cientist is the very essence of style.

It transcends fashion.

-Dr. Kuver

Shake off the slushies and jump into Spring Lab $tyle. Let’s get to the core of it.

Eager to warm up and take our 15 minutes in the sun, this season of Dosha Dressing is filled with patterns, rich color and individuality. Lab Style originates from the need for comfortable versatility. Effortlessly switching-up daily outfits is fundamental to catering to atmosphere changes in our engaged careers and lives. Bags and shoes express our personal needs and qualities.

The $cientist T is the central piece that lays the foundation for each look. Fatigued by being influenced in every direction, articulating personal strengths to the world has never been more valuable.

The $cience

The $cientist T was created to inspire beyond celebrity culture. At a time when everyone seemed to love their idols more than they championed themselves, Dr. K thought this shirt said it better than a hashtag.

Value yourself.

For design execution, she partnered with a People’s Choice-winning fashion designer and boutique owner in NYC. With the expertise of the oldest hand silk screen printers in NYC, the $cientist T’s transformed from brainstorm to reality.

The $cientist is the very essence of style. It transcends fashion.

Pitta:balanced power

Wine and deep red add power to Power Dosha Dressing. The white original $cientist T is on par with Pitta’s needs- clean, candid, and ordered. Topped with a double-breasted blazer in navy offers Type-A structure. Patterned silk pants counterbalances gravitas with gaiety and pearls add twinkle to this dosha’s piercing eyes. City drivers are perfect for on-the-go Pitta, but trade them in for heels to command a board meeting or chat up clients at The Modern.

Vata:Fearlessly Bright

The myriad interpretations of green keeps Vata rooted in a fresh Spring garden. $cientist in classic black and gold linked with a short chain necklace warms up this chilly creative. A long floral skirt adds flow akin to a light unbothered breeze. Neon heels uplift this look and carry Vata through her dazzling efforts. An oversized denim jacket incorporates a relaxed feel when butterflies flutter by fortifying delicate frames. Carry your journals and manuscripts in a structured tote to shape a disorganized existence. Leave it all behind with a little shoulder bag for museum-hopping. This style construction is perfect for sipping a brew at MoMA’s Sculpture Garden.

Kapha:Electrified Living

Go bold or stay home. The red and significance of this distinctive adaptation of the Futura Oblique Face $cientist T maximizes zeal and resolve. Its connection to Barbara Kruger accentuates authority and singularity- much needed characteristics for Kapha. Adding orange pops of color to staples like the skirt and bags sustains those energetics. A structured vibrant tote is perfect to hold all the necessities for day, but the switch to a gorgeously gleaming purse for evening jaunts. Definitive loafers pari perfectly with a short denim jacket to give this look proportionality. Crown the look with a vintage emerald pinky ring that secures Kapha to her Earth and also lifts her to Vata heights for delicate equipoise.